Sophie Zhang
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Using the software Visions of Chaos by Softology, I created the following hypercomplex Mandelbulb fractals or 3D fractals. A fun experiment with abstract shapes and mathematical patterns.

<i>Hypercomplex Mandelbulb fractals I</i>, Softology's Visions of Chaos <i>Hypercomplex Mandelbulb fractals II</i>, Softology's Visions of Chaos
<i>Hypercomplex Mandelbulb fractals III</i>, Softology's Visions of Chaos <i>Hypercomplex Mandelbulb fractals IV</i>, Softology's Visions of Chaos
<i>Hypercomplex Mandelbulb fractals V</i>, Softology's Visions of Chaos
<i>cloud</i>, Softology's Visions of Chaos